
Hello and welcome to the live launch of Celebrity Blog Big Brother 2012! Tonight we will see 6 well known Celebrities being role played by 6 popular bloggers (who will remain anonymous throughout the series) and one of them will win!
However, this series we have decided to place the house mates in an actual house! Shall we take a look?

Living area



One bedroom

Dining room


Now do you want to see the star of the show, the Diary Room chair? 

This Diary Room Chair is a blue material that feels soft to the skin, it has a shape of a well known game...
It's a PacMan chair!
 So, here is a list of all the house mates:
Alan Carr
Ed Sheeran
Katy Perry

So that is the 6 Celebrities in their new home! They’re all settled... well, that’s what they think! I am about to talk to the house!

Big Brother House this is Jamie, you are live on TiBB, please do not swear! Welcome to your new home, we hope you are enjoying it in there! But your not going to be loving your life in there for long! Shortly, each of you will be called to the Diary Room to nominate 2 house mates for eviction which will be held on Saturday!

So tomorrow, Day 1, nominations will be held! See you then