Day 2


Hello and welcome to Blog Big Brother 2012 and the FIRST eviction! So, Katy and Alan face the public vote and the lines are now closed! But who is coming out? Let’s catch up on the house over the past day first!
Katy: Alan, are you looking forward to the eviction tomorrow
Alan: No, not really, but I know that I’m off so I need to get back into reality
Katy: You’re not off buddy
Alan: I am I just know it
This is Big Brother, yesterday Adele went into the task room to do a task called ‘You are Big Brother’, and I can now reveal that Adele has... FAILED the task as she has not communicated to the house mates.
Alan: For god sake Adele!
Katy: Never mind hey!
So Adele has failed the task! But who is coming out of the house to be interviewed? I am about to talk to the house...
Big Brother House, this is Jamie, you are live on TiBB please do not swear! Katy... and Alan, for the past 24 hours the public have been voting for the first eviction, and I can now announce the first house mate to be evicted is...
Alan pack your bags and head to the door!
So Alan has been evicted. Join us at 1:30 for our interview!

Hello and welcome back to the show! I have done the interview and here it is...
Jamie: Hello! Please welcome the one and only Alan Carr!!
Alan: Hi Jamie. How’re you?
Jamie: Good thanks. Alan, over the past two days you and Adele have had a few moments, bad moments! Can you explain how you feel about Adele?
Alan: I wouldn’t say I hate her, just strongly dislike. She failed the task earlier because she was probably too busy messing around in the Task Room
Jamie: She didn’t though, she actually came to the Diary Room saying she was ill, then got better but she then told us that she didn’t want it to pass as she didn’t want house mates to bait her!
Alan: No one would bait her, we would be happy!
Jamie: Anyway, thanks for the interview, we hopefully will see you at ‘Reunite’?
Alan: Yep, 100%!
Jamie: Thank you.
So that was an interview with Alan after he left the house. Now we have a huge surprise soon. Stay tuned!

Hello and welcome back to the show. Before the break we saw Alan be evicted, but one is out, but one is going in! Its house mate Number 7!
Keith is also known as Leigh Francis but we will know him as Keith in the house. So good luck Keith! Let’s head over to the house and see how it’s going when he went in...

Katy: Oh my god, it’s Keith Lemon!
Adele: Keithhh!
Keith: Hello peoples of Big Brother!
Ed: Hey Keith!
Keith: Ginger!!!! Hey buddy, how’re you?
Ed: I’m good cheers mate
Rihanna: Hey Keith
Keith: RiRi!
Gotye: I never met you before have I?
Keith: Goaty isn’t it?
Gotye: No, it’s Gotye
Keith: Alright, Rihanna, might I say you look bang tidy tonight?
Rihanna: No you may not Mr. Francis
Keith: I’d smash your back doors in any day of the week
So as we leave Keith to settle in, I will say goodbye, and after today the schedule has changed! Take a look at it below! Until next Thursday, take care!